Thursday, October 16, 2008

Final Debate Thoughts..

Well did we all finally see what we needed to see in the final debate? Obama, cool as a fan. McCain, anger leaking out of his eyes and fire shooting from his cheeks.
Let's compare.
Sen. Obama killed lies and spoke truth to the issues. Obama also broke down specifics while being attacked by someone whom needs to do some fact checking. Did I mention how respectful Barack Obama was?
Sen. McCain seemed to go after Obama off the jump which was interesting. But that was his down fall, as he slowly walked into a situation with a Prepared, Eloquent, Savvy, Factual, Smooth Barack Obama. Time after time McCain started a fire but was quickly extinguished. I got the notion that McCain wanted Obama to only address issues that McCain raised, as though McCain was the moderator and wouldn't have to answer questions. Didn't work McCain, but he tried to continually divert the questions he was asked back into attacks on Obama. Sounds familiar, sounds like Palin. Wow birds of a feather....... There's so much to chop up and I will later but a few more things.
-Did McCain give any substance or more lies and attacks? -Lies and attacks.
-Did McCain address the say-it-to-my-face-issue? No, he talks big on the trail, not in person. Biden said,"if a man has something to say to another man, you say it in that mans face." Sorry McCain
-Did McCain address the Kill Him/ Terrorist etc? No he wanted to talk about John Lewis( a man that lived and fought through that period of racism and injustice) who made a correct observation of the McCain/Palin rallies. But McCain said he loved those people! That would be the ones that were never stopped or called out for making sweet kill him comments!
-And what is wrong with being eloquent? Nothing.


MsDDavis said...

Everytime I see and hear McCain, he constantly attacks Obama and never do I hear talk about the issues. This is why his poll ratings are so low and Obama's polls are getting out of reach for McCain, even in some battleground states.

In last nights debate, it was troubling and concerning to hear grunting from McCain, Is he not well or has this become a nervous condition?

Also, I noticed that he seemed angry, provocative, and throwing every negative comment he could remember from past speeches into a 30 second opening. I believed he is becoming unhinged.

Ml'sahe 26 said...

I believe he was already done. When you can't manage your campaign that tells you alot about a persons ability to lead. With in-fighting, mixed messages, lies, lobbyist you tell me! Now that is a leader you can trust. Hell no it isn't.
mlsahe26....... thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I agree and McCain's Straight Talk Express is scheduled to stop around 10pm PST on Nov 4. At that time McCain can jump off and use his new Inbev money to buy more cars and houses, and Palin can go back to the 64° 43.9'N latitude and continue to do whatever the hell she does up there.