Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama!

As we all know Colin Powell to be one of the most respected, powerful and influential people in this country especially when it comes to knowledge of the military, war, and foreign affairs.

I watched him today on Meet The Press lay out several reasons that he is backing Obama and none had to do with race.
-Would Electrify the World
-Ability to Inspire
-Reach across America
-Forward Looking
-The Future
-Willing to listen
-Thoughtful of all
And there is more.

As for McCain, Powell said that he is troubled by the direction of the Republican Party. Stating that it begin with the pick of Sarah Palin.
-The lack of substance
-Palin isn't ready to be President
-McCain's Judgement
And there is more to that but I will not waste your time with the McCain issues.

Colin Powell is in a league of his own for those none believers. His reputation far out weighs anyone that we know with a military background that is still living today.
Huge Endorsement.
Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......


MsDDavis said...

Can you believe this mess?

Ms. Carter said...

Who are you voting for?

With less than a month til the day that determines our next president, I would like to ask not who you are voting for but why? Tired of hearing the same rhetoric, finger pointing and passing blame? Democrats are responsible, Republicans did it. We are responsible for the way of our economy, the American people! We are a culture of greed and excess and we want someone to come deliver us back to our state of comfort so we can continue to rape our resources and live beyond our means. Our greed to have the biggest and best has us over spent and overworked. We are passing this culture on to our children who walk around with Prada shoes and $500 cell phones, all so we can say our children have the best. Since when did a child having everything he or she wants become a sign of good parenting? And all while parents are out working, television, internet and sex entertain our children. I have 13 year old students with babies who wear Jordans, sickening. One of our vice presidential candidates is being looked at as a good mother for supporting her pregnant teeange daughter, a good mother teaches her daughter how not to get caught up and how to proctect herself.

We have put ourselves in a position we cannot afford to be in and want our government to bail us out. We can blame the war, government spending and earmarks, taxes, instead of using the power of our mouths and pockets and saying, "No longer will we stand for it." No longer will we be tricked into thinking bigger is better. No longer will we allow our planet to continue to be raped so we can drive in Tahoe's and Rovers. No longer will we buy homes that we cannot afford with space we do not need. No longer will we praise our children for looking good and not being good students and citizens. No longer will we watch our factories close down and send our goods overseas. No longer will we support the building of a fence along our border to keep people out instead of working with our neighbors to help create a strong continental economy. Would you mind if our goods said made in Mexico and not made in China? I wouldn't!

Wake up America! Stop waiting for the second coming of Jesus to deliver us from ourselves. Whether it be Obama or McCain doesn't really matter if we don't take action for ourselves. Instead of waiting to see what is going to be done start taking the steps to create change. Voting is only the beginning, it gives a voice, time to unite as Americans to let our voices be heard