Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Yesterday, I voted for the future.
I am for Change! What about you?
Each 1 reach 1, so we can teach 1. That's 1 People!

Peace, Love, and Vote 4 Happiness.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

1 comment:

chil said...

Change. A black President will be a change from the norm. A positive perspective that provides hope and allows one to believe that "if I can dream then I can achieve". this will allow for positive black pictures in the paper instead of the stereotypes. Fulfilling a dream for many blacks that thought this moment would never come. The reality is for most black people is that true change occurs with the people and politics we address as a whole. No matter what president is in, a large majority of blacks will remain in a poor mind state until we can unite with each other and connect.
This same mentality exist when athletes from our neighborhood make it to the pro's and we expect them to change the hood. We exclude "the learned" with their degrees, no one expects them to do good in the hood yet they have as much or more to offer than famous people. We could have already received better medical and educational help if the "educated" would be more involved in the hood as in the Black Panther days with Malcolm X/Marcus Garvey ways. Everyone is not able, we only need a few good men and women. Will you enlist in the struggle for your people? How bad do you really want change?