Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Okay we need to get one thing correct. Obama has nothing to do with the needy group of individuals working for Acorn that may have abused their authority. It was admitted that some people in the group were at the bottom of the barrel and would do anything to receive cash incentive.

However, the interesting fact of the matter is that there is no Voter Fraud. You have to vote to commit voter fraud. People would need thousands of fake IDs to pull of this garbage. Credit Acorn for reporting the violations and firing those individuals.

Let's be clear Obama along with a team of lawyers worked with/for the Justice Dept & Acorn years ago. Obama didn't directly use Acorn for any of his campaign ground work. Acorn had been subcontracted out by another group.

In 2006, McCain spoke highly of and praised Acorn at their conference.

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