Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homeless Woman

Today while driving I came across a woman holding a cardboard sign that read, "Homeless, Hungry, and Pregnant!" I didn't believe my eyes when I saw the pregnant part. Not to be judgemental but damn, if you are unable to take of yourself then damn....... Not a smart move, however that's life in the fucked up lane.

Now my next question is do you think she was faking so she could get sympathy from good Samaritans? And why isn't she heading to some sort of shelter for women?

Another lesson learn but in a very unusual way. If you are unable to take care of yourself, then don't do the things that will bring pain and hardship to others.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......


Anonymous said...

How are you so sure that she didn't become homeless after the fact that she was pregnant? It is pretty presumptuous of you to assume that she was already homeless and now she made a decision to bring a child into the world after knowing the predicament that she currently is in. I do not know the woman, so I am not able to comment on which came first, the pregnancy or the homelessness - but I can say that as a woman, who has been pregnant, your natural instinct is to look out for the well being of your child. By any means necessary. Your sense of self becomes null and void and you will do whatever you can to try and take care of your child. In saying that and since we don't know her entire situation, let’s just assume that she was pregnant – and for whatever hand she was dealt, she became homeless… Then wouldn’t the human reaction in you stop you from standing in judgment, or disbelief that she is possibly lying for sympathy? Maybe instead you can help show her a shelter for pregnant women or give a helping hand and not a sideways glance and a blog post??

Ml'sahe 26 said...

Dear Anonymous.....
How am I so sure? Well for the simple fact that I've seen this woman many times in the same area for years now with homeless signs. So that's not an assumption on my behalf about. It is indeed an assumption that you've made about which came first and being presumptuous.
About instincts... We all have them but we do not always put them to good use. The protection mode in every animal in raised when protecting their family/pack/pride/colony, etc.
Now let's not assume the reverse because that would be a totally different conversation. Therefore we don't assume.

You mention a human reaction. Well the human reaction can be doubt, compassion, caring, fear, etc. Any individual can react in whatever fashion he or she may choose. You can pass by or you can help, either way it is your choice. If the human reaction is the way you state then she wouldn't be homeless or hungry. But that isn't the reality of the situation.

To sum it all up. It's sound like you pass judgment and assume when you really shouldn't. Your ignorance has showed towards the ending part of your post. Ask questions 1st, get your answers 2nd, 3rd they your proceed to make your comment or statement. Especially "give a helping hand and not a sideways glance and blog post"... Listen good.
The blog post has people talking and thinking. Not assuming or accusing.
-***The reason I know this lady is homeless is because my family and I make care bags multiple times throughout the years and give them to the HOMELESS in our area making them feel as it all hope isn't lost!
-***Having contact with this woman before, it is Fact that she is indeed homeless. So don't assume anything. She may be pregnant, but she was homeless for years.
-***Your human reaction guides you and may not be the same for others. If you have knowledge in any situation you can pass judgment, be it good or bad. It is called an opinion!
-***Maybe you should ask questions before writing. Because the "give a helping hand and not a sideways glance or a blog post", quote makes you look presumptuous. She was given some water and a snack, not a sideways glance. And this blog post about her helped you learn about yourself.
-***Did I mention the woman is in her Upper 50’s?

Now Anonymous you should have asked questions instead of ASSuming! Then you wouldn't have been so quick to throw out so many negatives. We always help, be it the homeless or the average folk. Evaluate yourself and see how you are trying to help others in your own way.

Sarah said...

WOW!!! Mike you have said it all..You do come from an awesome family, and if some of these ppl knew you or your background personally they would know what you do for your community..I do agree that if one is homeless they SHOULD make BETTER DECISIONS..To bring a child into the world when you are already in a BAD situation will not help it but only make it worse...ITS JUST GONNA BE ANOTHER STATE BABY...We already have too many children caught up in the system due to the lack of judgement and choices these people have made..FEELING SORRY FOR THE CHILD THAT HAS TO ENTER THIS WORLD AND DONT EVEN HAVE A HOME TO GO TO...

MsDDavis said...

Let's say, for arguments sake, that she was niether lying about being pregnant nor made the choice to get pregnant. What if, while homeless, this woman was raped.
To answer your question ml'sahe26, I do not know if she was faking so she could get sympathy from good samaritans. But I will say that ASSuming is extremely hard not to do with the statements made in this post.
Since you have seen her over the years, I would be interested in hearing her story. Maybe next time you see her, ask her how she got pregnant while homeless. I would also be interested in her choice of not going to a shelter or maybe she tried and they wouldn't let her in because of previous situations......
This is a very intereting post and topic. After you ask her these questions, please post so that I can follow.
Thanks for this one!!!!

MsDDavis said...

... Totally agreed Sarah!!!! Know who you are talking to and the type of person he is before incorrectly percieving his character or projecting him in a negative light.

Anonymous, it sounds as if this story hit pretty close to home. Being homeless is a sad situation and adding the element of pregnancy just amplifies the situation. I understand what you were trying to say but by attacking or assuming is not the way to correctly express your feelings on the matter. There are many who would see something, turn away, and then have the nerve to talk about it later.

I would love to go on a rampage on this post because this hits pretty close to home as well. My family is known here in Missouri for the work they/we have done for homeless, broken families, kids with disabilities, etc. I can go on and on but I don't want to bore anyone and I think I've taken up enough space as is.

Ml'sahe26, enough said. You expressed your thoughts clearly.

Be Well Everyone.