Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homeless Woman

Today while driving I came across a woman holding a cardboard sign that read, "Homeless, Hungry, and Pregnant!" I didn't believe my eyes when I saw the pregnant part. Not to be judgemental but damn, if you are unable to take of yourself then damn....... Not a smart move, however that's life in the fucked up lane.

Now my next question is do you think she was faking so she could get sympathy from good Samaritans? And why isn't she heading to some sort of shelter for women?

Another lesson learn but in a very unusual way. If you are unable to take care of yourself, then don't do the things that will bring pain and hardship to others.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tea Party is a JOKE!

What in the hell is wrong with this TEA PARTY? Can someone help me? I have watched several debates and I am highly impressed. Impressed how fcked up in the head some of these folks are. These folks are jokes. Have you heard some on the ish that has come out of their mouth?

Then I have to dumb myself down to even try to comprehend their talk about President Obama. It is fact that he has done more for this countries well being, security, infrastructure, foreign relations, economy, education, and more than ANY other President in this countries history. I would include race relations but that topic interest me a bit more so I will take my time on that below.

Now the fact of the matter is this. If someone placed you in a 30ft hole, you must do everything you can to get yourself out. That just may mean to SPEND MONEY on items you will need to get to even ground. Pres. Obama was put in a deep hole that he is gradually digging this country out of but some hate that, thus hate him. But again he has done the most out of every President in this short of a time. So you dig yourself out of a damn hole without spending anything.

Back to this race relations. Pres. Obama did help race realtions in this country in several ways. One big way was the fact that a good majority of the Racist, Prejudice, and Bigots are showing their face. We see you at your rallies with your signs and confederate flags etc.

And what the fck is TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK? Tell me tea drinkers! Take it back to when is my question? Take it back to the Bush days, I don't think so. Take it back to the 60s, well that means that you people of color and females wouldn't be welcome to the table. So take it back where? This is my country just as it is yours and I welcome anyone try to take anything from me! And if Pres. Obama was like Hitler then all of the jackasses saying that would done away with and the Nazi's would love the Pres. Obama. It hasn't happened yet. I swear the ish that comes out of ignorant people's mouthes should go straight into the toilet with the rest of the Shit.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Qualified or Not

How is it possible for someone to have all the credentials for a job, but their other's that will do everything in there power to not let that happen. But yet other's would be content or happy to give someone of lesser ability this same job.

Why is it that when someone can step in and they would clearly excel it's a problem? Is it fear? Could it be some other factor as well? I think both. But logic has some how slipped us when it comes to making smart decisions.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

The Perspective Is Back.

Well the Perspective is back with a lot to talk about. If there's anything you wish to discuss please feel free to send it along and you will get the Perspective from this side.
Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Monday, February 2, 2009

Get It Off Your Chest/Breast!

I'm back!
I've been ask to speak on issues that relate to relationships. For some reason, I feel that the women of the world need to get something off of their breast or sometimes put something on it. So by all means men and women feel free to vent whether good or bad.
Family, just know that there will be those that disagree with you male and female so prepare for a backlash if the topic is super sensitive. Try to keep it clean!

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Prop 8

What do you think about Prop 8 in California that is getting so much attention? Prop 8, is the ban on Gay Marriages.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President Barack Obama!

President Barack Obama was the talk for so long. Now it is fact.
Yesterday was a nerve racking day until late into the evening hours. History was made and change has been ushered in.

Emotions are high but the importance of this day is much higher. Our relatives who lived in the 60s on down have never thought this day would come. Well people it's here.

Now we have to continue the message of CHANGE by making a difference in others' lives. Taking care of your responsibilities,conserving energy,recycling, not polluting, unite, talk, help, share, smile, etc. There is so much that we can do that is effortless and free. Do what's right, it will benefit everyone.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thank You "Toot"...... Obama's Grandmother.

The Angel that guided Barack Obama has flown to a higher place to view the world. The world that will embrace change, the same change she has nertured as a young boy named Barack. Thank you Toot for helping shape the individual that the world will look to for CHANGE.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Monday, November 3, 2008

Face To Face W/ Obama

Oct. 30, 2008 will be a day that lives with me until I no longer exist. I had a chance to see and hear Sen. Obama in person. The sense of pride, joy, accomplishment, dignity, strength, unity, happiness, love, excitement are just to name a few feelings that I felt as I watched the man that has inspired millions. What a day!

This man is like no other in the history books, therefore he possesses his own history book. Constantly walking through barriers and facing challenges for this country as a whole not half or a portion.
Let's get it through our head that the time is NOW. Lets get it right. Vote Obama!

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Encourage All to Vote. "CHANGE is Here."

One day away and we can change this country for the better. We have a chance to voice our opinion. Voice your opinion to your family and friends also. Encourage them to get out an vote Nov. 4th.
Go through your call list on your phone. Text or call everyone one that's in your list of contacts. Don't let your chance to choose for the future, get halted by the ignorance and miseducation of the past.

Take a little time to make a big difference. I know we can and must CHANGE!
Vote for Change. Vote Obama.

To quote Sam Cooke....."It's been a long..Long time coming but I know a CHANGE gone come.. Oh yes it will."

Well CHANGE is here Folks!
Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Keith Olbermann rips John McCain Sarah Palin Racist Rallies!

Strong words... Listen to entire video.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

In McCain's own Words.. But hint, liar on the loose.

This man is something else.. I had to say damn liar.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Plot to Kill nearly 100 African Americans including Sen. Obama foiled

The US will never be the same EVER AGAIN if something happens to Barack Obama...

I Promise YOU.

So help quail the hate that is being preached before the country runs red with blood in the streets...

The Sh!t seems funny to some but all hell will break loose and the 60s will be revisited but with a twist.. The days of the old south is over.

Enjoy freedom do away with hate.

---Two Neo-Nazi skinheads were arrested for plotting to kill a number of African-Americans including Sen. Barack Obama. The number of killing would have been in the number close to 100 AFRICAN AMERICANS. One ideal target, A BLACK COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY.

Need I say anymore. It speaks for itself.

Love,Peace, and Vote 4 Happiness
Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Not Just African- Americans but Europeans by 95%.

Sorry for you individuals that wanted to paint Obama as getting votes because of a certain race.
Lets all agree that Obama has support for every class, gender, race, and religion in this country.
Example Iowa..... The percent of African-Americans are under 5%

We are all united for CHANGE....We start with Love, Peace, and Happiness here in the US and then across the Globe.

Now 95% of the Europeans would vote for Obama if they could. This speaks volumes and ends the notion of people voting for Obama because of race... People are voting for Obama because of REASON.
Good Day.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......

Family, my response to a Anti-Obama racist poster on Yahoo.

Just imagine the opposite of everything I address is what was wrote about Sen. Obama. I mean this guy attempted to paint Sen. Obama as the worst person in the world. But then I came along. The guy had so many accusations I addressed a good number of them some brief... Here you go. Also sorry for the explicitness

Are you joking.... Yes we know there have been things that have shot out of their mouth that they knew was jacked up at the time.

But the shit you are shooting out of our mouth is... Shit.

-Call homeland security to deal with bill ayers.... Wait he turn himself in and FBI threw out the case... Done.

-Listen to the entire interview the Obama had with the McCain plant. 2Second sound bite came from a 7min conversation. Listen to it...Done

-Abortion for anyone should be the mainly a choice of the woman her family,doc,rev.etc. That choice is to hard to make for a person with a Dick to dictate what happens to a woman.

-Health care... We pay for those that show up to the ER without insurance now. So what are you talking about...Done

-Lawyers.... Some fight for rights... some wishes to take away your rights.. Supreme Court.. DONE.

-9/11.... Well where is the person or persons that were responsible for that act? Hmmmmmmm McCain knows how to get him... why the fck hasn't it been done! Oh wait OIL IN IRAQ which had noting to so with the attack.

-He supports the gun right and religion. He opposed the band on handguns in DC. did you miss that. He said that certain city's should have strict laws of high crime areas. Religion.... if everyone hates Muslims and Islam now what the hell are you talking about coming from the McCain Camp. Done with that Joke.

Illegal Aliens....Sorry that's McCain pushing that shit. Obama said, that would have to jump through hoops to obtain status in the US...Done

Acorn...Get federal funding in which the RNC wanted Bush to Cut funding for. McCain praised the Organization within the last few years at Acorns Annual Meeting. Obama didn't have anything to do with Acorn in General Election only in primary. As for ACORN, they red flag the invalid registrations and then honestly pushed them to those to state with a notice of red flag because it's not legal to destroy the reg... Done Get some Knowledge.

Katrina....History showed the blowing up the Levee that's fact. But the response was crazy but we jump for joy to help other nations with their issues. The world reached out. Cuba was willing and ready to send ship with doctors,nurses,money, aide. But Bush said no to everyone that wanted to help as he shit-ed on The GULF COAST. I KNOW I LIVED THERE. And the city hasn't been rebuilt YET.

Taxes.... you haven't been listening at all. Done.

IRAQ.. Technically we are the TERRORIST, because we invaded a country that had nothing to do with the hate the country had after 9/11. Bombing city after city without being reason. I would hate this country to, especially if I didn't have anything to do with it. Just bomb the lie and cover up later.
Destroy hundreds of thousands of lives like its nothing. Send troops into a fcking trap for what? Done..

The AIR RAIDING had been killing innocent HUMAN BEINGS idiot. The War did the same. You don't seem to realize how the US is a fcking hypocrite.

Chickens have come home to roost.....well what have the US been doing over the past 50 years throughout the world? Another sound byte to run with but check this out. Use Iraq to invade Iran while supplying them with arms and chemical weapons........hmmmm...........Use Bin Laden and his group, support, arm and train them to do the US. dirty work. So use Bin Laden to topple the USSR. Once you are done turn your back on those you use. And you watch the US began the cycle all over but now you are the take out target because you have a disagreement or have gotten the short end of the stick. Interesting.....Done

I am done with you.....Educate your ignorance.

Know your facts.... Just don't go off of hear say. Chump.
I see why McCain is in trouble with supporters like yourself.

Thoughts by Mlsahe26.......